Can you Believe it?

March 18, 2009 by  
Filed under Blog

No PornBelieve it… the pornography industry is a giant, preying on unsuspecting victims.  Once it has a grip, it isn’t likely to let go, unless the prey decides to fight back.  This “fighting back” can’t be weak.  It must be calculated, planned and executed perfectly in order for the battle to be won. 

For many years, I was held captive by an incredible grip… a grip that left marks, wounds and scars; not to mention emotional memories.  For years, I lay helpless to pornography’s grasp.  I knew not where to turn, or how to start fighting.  Thanks to my brothers-in-Christ, I was able to begin fighting back and eventually, through God’s mercy, forgiveness and strength, I overcame the grip and applied a strangle-hold back upon my aggressor.  I’m not out of the woods yet (I’m still a living, breathing man!)… but my life is no longer controlled by porn.

The porn industry portrays itself as normal, as something “everybody does”.  It’s makes men think that it’s completely normal to injest incredibly large doses of smut, lust and obscenity.  Guess what, it’s not normal.  We were created for greatness, not for mediocrity and what “everybody else is doing”.  We’re called to stand and defend, especially against sly predators.  (Remember how cunning the serpent was in the garden with Adam and Eve?

If you are currently in porn’s grasp, there are ways out.  Make sure you check out the tab “Fighting Porn” located at the top of the page for some initial advice and help.  If, at any time, you need someone to talk to, contact me.  A True Man fights back against the things in life that are temptations and conduits to sin.

Man up!

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