What is Real Manliness?

January 17, 2009 by  
Filed under Scriptural Examples

Society makes suggestions to us, either directly or indirectly, about what is manly and what’s not.  Typically, society paints a picture (let’s call this picture “cultural manliness”) that cultural manliness stems from all or part of the following: POWER, MONEY, WOMEN and/or STUFF.  Society might call a man who possesses these things a “real man”.  If a male possesses one (or more) of these attributes, than he automatically racks up points on a invisible ‘man scale’.  A given amount of points on the cultural manliness scale doesn’t necessarily gain a guy anything, and it’s not like he can cash those points in for anything tangible.  However, because of the picture that is painted, a man with lots of points is (for whatever reason) elevated to a higher level than a regular joe.  As this happens – men being elevated and esteemed – other men desire to obtain what a “real man” has.  Other men begin to shoot for power, money, women and/or stuff, instead of what really determines what manliness is.

What is real manliness???  If real manliness isn’t power, money, women and/or stuff, what is it?  Where can we find out?  What can we do to become really manly?  Well, we’re given lots of great examples throughout history of what NOT to do and what’s NOT really manly.  Where do we go to find good examples?  I’d like to point to a few perfect examples of what manliness is using three Biblical characters.  I’m going to save their identities for another post to determine if anyone can guess who they are.

1. This man screwed up royally.  He engaged in sins of the flesh which led to men dying and problems for others around him.  However, instead of remaining lazy and indifferent, he heeded the words of his dear friend and decided to better himself and devoted his life to serving, honoring and praising God.  He became faithful, prayerful and humble.  He set an example of great virtue for others to see.  Who was he?

2. This man was wronged at an early age.  After spending many years in confinement for crimes he hadn’t committed, he rose in the ranks and eventually became the king’s trusted advisor.  Instead of taking vengeance on the men who wronged him, he chose love, honor and service.  This man was a humble and faithful servant to God, never losing his foundation of prayer and faith.  Who was he?

3. This man was given, quite possibly, the hardest task a human father could be given.  He was asked to take on a role that no other father had ever been asked to do, but he readily accepted and because he was a virtuous man, he succeeded in this difficult task.  Because he trusted God (and His messenger), this man remained faithful and obedient.  Due to his successful job-well-done, all men have a perfect example of what it means to be a chaste husband, a loving father and a hard worker.  Who was he?

What is real manliness? –> from these three examples, we see a theme: these three men were virtuous.  Their virtue (especially their theological virtue of faith) allowed them to persevere and to continue to serve God.  Today’s post is only the beginning of this topic, stay tuned for more!

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