The Tragedy of a Fatherless Child

July 13, 2009 by  
Filed under Fatherhood

father and sonThere’s an epidemic in our country of children growing up without a father.  It might be because their father gave his life serving his country.  It might be because their father is a workaholic.  It might be because of artificial birthing methods where the father is merely a donor.  It might be because of divorce.  It might also be because the father is a deadbeat.  There are probably millions of reasons why a child might grow up without a father… how do we stop this trend? 

In order to stop the trend of fatherless children, men must work to stop the trend.  They must work hard to reverse the relationships in their lives that are headed toward (or already in) disaster.  If men everywhere were virtuous, the percentage of fatherless children would greatly decrease.  Another way for the trend to be stopped is for women, everywhere, to choose wisely who they have children with.  Women, do not settle.  Have high expectations and never lower them.  These two factors play the biggest role in children growing up with their father as an active participant in their life.

This hits close to home for me, as I see three (and soon four) little kids close to me deal with their deadbeat father leaving them and their pregnant mother.  The father doesn’t see anything wrong with what he did.  The father couldn’t choose them and their needs over himself.  Now, the tragedy is being extended to four more kids.  I hope, by my life and decisions, that I can show them what a TrueMan and TrueFather are really like.

Man up!


One Response to “The Tragedy of a Fatherless Child”
  1. Amanda says:

    This is truly going on America today. Although there are some men here that step up for these men but, these children will always seek there biological beginnings. These men don’t understand the moral and emotional devastation children will feel as they grow into our next generation. Great blog!!