When a Man Loves a Woman

February 17, 2009 by  
Filed under Blog

You know those relationships where you can tell, no matter how long a couple has been married, that they really love one another?  I had the opportunity this weekend to experience one of these relationships first hand for the past 5 days out on the east coast.  My wife’s aunt and uncle celebrate their 30th wedding anniversary this year and from the looks of it, they have an incredibly strong marriage… I believe it’s because of how much he loves his wife.  He’s one of those men (a True Man, in my book) that treats his wife with an incredible amount of respect and genuine love.  He’s set an amazing example for their son and for everyone else out there who watches them interact. 

You and I have seen the opposite… relationships where the man is unloving, ungrateful, unsupportive and so on.  A relationships like that is not what men need to see.  We need True Men to set the standard high, to challenge other men to something better and, also incredibly important, we need women to expect this genuine kind of love and to never settle for less.

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