Good Friends Bring Joy to Our Lives

August 22, 2009 by  
Filed under Blog

Good friends bring joy to our lives.  Good friends build us up.  Good friends challenge us and hold us to a higher standard.

Are you a good friend?  Are you a living joy?  Are you building up those around you?  Are you holding those around you to a higher standard?  If you aren’t, check yourself, make a change and start to.  If you are, you are greatly affecting change in this world.  Living this type of life is not only a great benefit to others, but it affects us in a positive way too.

For the men… being a good friend means that you are living a life that challenges, encourages and leads your male friends to something more than drunken women-chasing.  It means real, tangible efforts to build each other up.  One of my favorite passages of Sacred Scripture is from The Book of Proverbs.  It’s short and sweet, to the point, no frills.  “As iron sharpens iron, so man sharpens his fellow man.”  (Proverbs 27:17).  Iron is a very tough metal and the only way to sharpen an iron sword is to use another piece of iron.  Once this piece of iron is sharp, it can be used for it’s purpose – fighting in battle.  In order for a man to be a sharp man (ready for battle and ready to be used for the purpose in which he was created) he must have been formed by other men.

It is imperative for men to have good man friends.  More on this next time.

Man up!