God Must Really Love Me

January 20, 2010 by  
Filed under Blog, Faith

craig morganGreat perspective from one of my favorite country music singers, Craig Morgan.  I think there’s a lot in this video that we can each connect with.  I hope it helps give you the perspective you need today.  Blessings.

“When I showed the worst, He saw the best. He pulled the world right off my chest. Every day I wake up, I feel blessed. God must really love me.”

Superman Dates

April 24, 2009 by  
Filed under Blog

I came across this video from BlueFishTV… funny stuff.


This lighthearted approach to making a few jokes about dating brings up some good points:

1. Dating is difficult – I’m married and boy, am I glad I don’t have to date any more.  The pressure, the games, the awkwardness.  Yuck.  Everyone is looking for love, which is a good thing.  Just know that it’s hard for both parties.

2. The success/failure of the date is typically based on the behavior of the male – Ladies, a man should be out to find you, win you over and have you fall in love with him.  It’s a quest for men, so let them do it.  This does NOT mean that you should lower your standards.  If some guy “blew your head right off…”, you better walk away a little faster than she did.

3. Just because you’re “super” doesn’t mean that you’re good at dating – don’t expect miracles just because some guy is popular, handsome or powerful (in one way or another).  Being super doesn’t make you a good match or a good boyfriend and it won’t make you a good spouse either.

Man up!