Fly a Flag Today, Too

September 13, 2009 by  
Filed under Blog

American FlagToday is Sunday, September 13, 2009.  A relatively meaningless day in the overall scheme of the history of the United States of America.  Fly an American flag today.  I fly an American flag outside of my home every single day of every single year.  My father taught me this, by his example, of flying the red, white and blue outside of our home when I was a child; he continues to fly it to this day.  Now that I have my own home, I proudly follow in his footsteps and proudly fly “Old Glory” as a sign of my patriotism.  True patriotism isn’t simply about specific days of heroism, victory, defeat or tragedy.  Patriotism is about supporting our troops, our freedom defenders, our public servants, our rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.  Fly a flag today, and every day, with pride, honor and glory.

I mean no disrespect to “flag days” – Independence Day, President’s Day, Memorial Day, Veteran’s Day or 9/11.  I simply want to call to mind the importance of this flag of ours.  I (we) can fly it because of the sacrifice of others who have gone before us.  Be proud to be an American and if you don’t/can’t/haven’t served in the military or as a public servant, find a way to support those who do/can/have.  Here are a few ways I do:

  1. I work in forming the Catholic men and women of the United States Air Force Academy in their faith, as people of faith & character and inspire them to live virtuous lives.  Without strong, Catholic leaders in the military, our military strength would not be what it is today.
  2. I proudly volunteer as a Patriot Guard Rider (  Everyone and anyone can join this great organization.  It’s free and you don’t have to be a veteran or a motorcycle rider to join.  You just have to want to support our troops and their families.
  3. I actively participate in the community’s events that honor and support out troops and public servants.  (Just yesterday, my family participated in a local fire department’s open house.)
  4. I personally thank each and every soldier, policeman, firefighter and EMT for what they do.  It’s very easy and can remind that person why they do what they do.  Try it.
  5. I proudly send care packages and letters/notes/messages to soldiers who are fighting the war on terror.
  6. I proudly support and pray for the spouses and families of soldiers who are fighting the war on terror.
  7. I honor those who have gone before us by flying the flag that they gave their life to defend.

Man up!

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