An Example on the Slopes

January 19, 2009 by  
Filed under Fatherhood

Yesterday, while enjoying an absolutely perfect day on the slopes of Keystone, I witnessed something that made me think.  I witnessed a father interacting with his young son.  The young boy’s name was Henry and he was about 4 years old.  Henry made his way down the mountain in a slow, snow-plow fashion; I thought he was doing really well.  Henry’s father made his way down the mountain just below the boy; there, he stopped and looked up at him.  Henry had taken a seat on the mountain, eventually laying his head on the snow.  He was tired and a bit frustrated and didn’t think he could make it any further.  The father, looking up at the boy, started to get rather perturbed and impatient.  “Get up Henry”, “Let’s go Henry”.  “If you can’t ski, we’re going straight home, Henry.”  The father continued his, now angry, tone with the boy.  Henry remained on the mountain, in the same spot he originally stopped.  I was torn as to what to do in the situation.  On the one hand, I wanted to tell Henry, “You can do it Henry!”.  On the other hand, I wanted to ski down to the father and suggest that he give his young son some encouragement instead of frustration. 

This father had an amazing opportunity to be his son’s hero.  He had a crucial decision to make: give encouragement and excite his son to pick himself up and keep trying OR (what he did) get frustrated at this four year old and allow the four year old to dictate his reaction.  I wish that this father would have made a better choice.  I pray that Henry knows how wonderful he is and grows to be a strong man.

Our witness in the world to others around us is a huge responsibility.  Not only could this father have been a great example to Henry, he could have been a great example to me.  Maybe the father didn’t know I was watching and listening.  Either way, make certain that YOU are acting in a way that, no matter what the situation is, you are setting an example to others around you.  This example should be one of love, the love that Christ exampled for us.

*** Best wishes in your daily examples to the world around you. ***

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