Challenge Accepted, ISIS

February 24, 2015 by  
Filed under Blog, cultural manliness, Faith, manliness, Military, Virtue

The barbaric Islamic cowards of ISIS have threatened our Holy Father, Pope Francis, and have vowed to “conquer Rome”.  The Pontifical Swiss Guard have accepted the challenge of defending him.  Threats from Muslims against Christianity, and specifically against the Papacy, certainly aren’t new.  Many have been actualized over the years, and many more will most assuredly come.  However, the Commander of the Swiss Guard isn’t backing down, and says that the Swiss Guard are on high alert and are ready.

Swiss Guard 2

Since the assassination attempt of St. John Paul the Great (Pope John Paul II) in 1981, the security measures of not only the Swiss Guard, but also of the Vatican Police, known as the Corps of Gendarmes, have been significantly heightened.  Slight changes were made when Francis was elected, but the world can be assured that the Swiss Guard are prepared.

Swiss Guard salutes Pope Francis

TrueManhood requires that a man defend the common good.  It goes without saying that defending the Holy Father is a good thing, and these incredible elite soldiers who make up the Swiss Guard are assigned to a very good task.  When it comes to this good task, I wish I were younger, single, and Swiss – but alas, I’m older than the cutoff, married, and Italian (and Irish, Polish, & Czech).

Swiss Guard w Pope Francis

The young men that make up the world’s smallest army must be between the ages of 19 and 30, at least 5’8.5″ tall, single, a practicing Catholic, and trained in the Swiss Army.  Don’t let their Renaissance-esque uniforms fool you – they are trained warriors and ready for the battle.  They train in unarmed combat, small arms, and are proficient with their pike and sword.  Here’s the oath they swear on May 6th (each time a recruit becomes a Swiss Guard):

“I swear I will faithfully, loyally, and honorably serve the Supreme Pontiff Francis and his legitimate successors, and also dedicate myself to them with all my strength, sacrificing if necessary also my life to defend them.  I assume this same commitment with regard to the Sacred College of Cardinals whenever the See if vacant. Furthermore I promise to the Commanding Captain and my other superiors, respect, fidelity and obedience. This I swear! May God and our Holy Patrons assist me!”

Sheer awesomeness – an oath of self-giving, self-sacrifice, and overflowing with the virtue of magnanimity!  And I can guarantee that these men don’t take this oath lightly – a true and holy honor to protect the Vicar of Christ. This sort of attitude flies in the face of cultural manliness and stands for authentic manliness – TrueManhood!  We here at TrueManhood are proud of these men and so grateful to have them among the ranks who will be the first to defend Mother Church and our Holy Father.

Click Here a news story from Catholic News Agency.

TrueMan up!

Out with the “Grey”, In with the “Old”

January 27, 2015 by  
Filed under Blog, cultural manliness, manliness, pornography, Virtue

Undoubtedly, you’ve heard of the self-proclaimed “worldwide phenomenon”, “Fifty Shades of Grey.”  Whether it is in reference to the book series, various off-shoot parodies, re-enactments, productions, products, and so on, or the upcoming film, you’ve heard it.  I wonder, though, how many people actually know what all the hype is about.  If you’re not really up on the details, the facts will likely shock you.


Fifty Shades is, in a brief description, rape porn and BDSM porn.  BDSM, for those who may not know, is an acronym for Bondage, Discipline, Sadism, and Masochism.  This is also known by such names as slave porn, torture porn, domination porn, and so on.  [Any male believing that he is in control of reality, making a good decision, or ‘treating a woman right’ by these sorts of acts is greatly misled.]  Why then, is this series of books and now the upcoming movie (not to mention all of the “adult novelties” for sale based on the books) so popular, especially among women???  It boggles the mind, and clearly shows the broken nature of our world.  Folks are looking for authentic love, yet receiving a drastic counterfeit.

Does this definition sound like a free, total, faithful, fruitful gift of self to another, or something opposite?

Def of Sadism

I think it’s important to point out that “50” depicts violent porn as glamorous – a lie that most pornographers want the consumer to believe.  It’s ultimately the consumption of the lie of “Cultural Manliness” by women, believing that males like character Christian Grey are what they should be looking for in a man. I assure you, he is not.  “50” wants you to believe that what’s happening in the story (stalking, dominance, rape, and various other forms of dangerous and degrading sad0-masochistic sex) is normal, acceptable, and even beneficial to relationships.  How people believe these lies are beyond me, but obviously they do.

On February 14th, the Feast of St. Valentine, the movie form of “50” will be released in all markets.  I highly encourage all of my readers and supporters to 1. boycott the film and 2. have an open and concerned conversation with others in your life who may go to the film.  Support of this movie is in direct conflict with the Gospel Message.  Exploitation of individuals, especially women, and the degradation of human sexuality is absolutely sinful and should be avoided at all costs.  If you’re looking for an alternative, and want to support mainstream films that uphold human dignity and wholesome entertainment, please consider attending “Old Fashioned – the Movie” instead, also opening in theaters on February 14th.

Old Fashioned - The MovieI was recently invited to privately screen the film, and overall, I enjoyed it.  I made a date night out of the event with my wife, getting some of her favorite movie-foods, and creating a little “home theater” for us.  The film is a depiction of a man who, after turning away from a life of debauchery and exploitation, has chosen to have standards for himself and for any potential mate moving forward, for the goodness of his and her soul.  He is seen by other characters in the film as being “stuffy”, “prudish”, and, well… “old fashioned” (hence, the name of the film.)  I was impressed enough to encourage you to see it especially as an alternative against “50”.  Here’s the trailer:

Additionally, there is a responsibility here, for men to step to the plate and protect humanity.  Personally, should our local community-run theater choose to show this film, which I have already formally requested that they not do, I will likely be forced to take further action.  Let us pray that this does not happen.

Out with the Grey, In with the Old

For me and mine, we say “Out with the ‘Grey’, and In with the ‘Old’.”

TrueMan up!

If you or someone you know is struggling with an addiction to porn, download my “5 Step Guide to Overcoming an Addiction to Pornography & Masturbation” for free.

Earth Day

April 22, 2009 by  
Filed under Blog

I bet most of you are surprised to see that I’m writing about Earth Day today.  Now, I’m no tree hugger, or granola- cruncher, but I think there’s something to be said about protecting the environment.  How does a TrueMan do that?

I recommend that we look at the Book of Genesis to get a foundation for this.  Genesis 2:15 “The Lord God then took the man and settled him in the garden of Eden, to cultivate and care for it.”  To cultivate and to care for it – in Hebrew, to SHAMAR (guard).  Everything in the garden (creation) was given to Adam to protect and defend it.  Yes, this included the woman (Eve) and the animals, but it also included the land and plants.  See, God wanted Adam to take responsibility for his surroundings.  Ask any farmer, and they’ll tell you that the land produces more bounty if you take care of it.  Adam’s job was to see to it that the land produced a large bounty.

The same goes for us now.  God expects that we shamar our gardens (our families, our land, our life, our Church).  He expects that we protect and defend all that is around us, therefore, we must protect our earth.  Personally, I’m not going to stop driving my eight cylinder Chevy truck, but what I will do is continue to use cloth diapers and homemade bio-degradable baby wipes.  I’ll continue to throw away my trash in a can instead of littering the side of the highways.  I will instill in my children how to respect the earth.  When I camp, I protect the fire from spreading.  When I see trash, I pick it up.  I’ve recently started using CFL bulbs around the house and just bought a bunch of new ones for the remaining lights.  It’s the little things that add up and really count.

Think about how you can protect the earth in your own little way.  If we all do it just a little bit, it’ll add up to some big changes.

Man up!

Lenten Devotion – Selflessness

March 1, 2009 by  
Filed under Faith

Christ carrying His crossWe took an amazing trip to San Luis, Colorado yesterday.  There, among the high-desert plain and the rock-covered mountains, stands the Shrine to the Stations of the Cross.  It’s a marvelous experience, hiking up the mountain side, following the footsteps of Jesus; from his death-sentencing until He resurrects from the tomb.  We had a group of 34 people, led by Fr Joe and Deacon Bob. 

As we walked the rocky ground, contemplating the weight of the cross beam on Jesus’ shredded back (shredded from the scourging at the pillar),I was in awe of just how difficult Christ’s journey must have been.  And while contemplating the journey, I realized that I’m simply not selfless enough.  He gave everything for me (and you), yet, I’m still prone to selfish desires and self-serving interests. 

The culture wants men to believe that it’s all about them; their needs, their desires.  That a man can plow through any innocent bystander if they impede his progress of attaining his goal(s).  Get get get, take take take – never worrying about taking anyone out along the way.   Being self-serving is actually self-reliance, self-defense and self-preservation – they say.  In reality, a man should be self-denying, self-sacrificing and self-giving.  He is called to attend to the needs of others before his own.  He is called to defend, protect and build up, even if it means blood, sweat and tears.  A True Man follows Christ’s example.

Christ Crucified - the ultimate sacrifice

Man up!

Manliness in the Modern Church

February 22, 2009 by  
Filed under Blog

Saturday morning, I spoke at a local Men’s Breakfast.  The room was full.  The breakfast was hot (and tasty).  It was good to see Catholic men coming together to join in brotherhood and to be inspired by a message.  The ages ranged from a young teen boy all the way to some wise-men in their 80’s.  95% of the men in the room were fathers.  I spoke about “Manliness in the Modern Church”. 

The reality of it all is that our Church in America has been overrun by the feminist movement of the 1960’s.  The sexual revolution “revolutionized” the decay of gender roles… and in the Church, it spread like wild fire.  Manly women and feminine men (<– oxymorons, I know).  What we see now is a Church where men are overly passive (if they go at all) and the brunt of the work is accomplished because of women.  It sets a terrible example for our families; the children within the Church don’t understand what a man is.  The boys go astray because they have no idea what it means to be a man and the girls follow after them… that’s what society tells them is normal and good.

The purpose of my talk was NOT AT ALL to bash women or to say that women shouldn’t do anything in the Church… on the contrary.  [Without women in the Church who saw a wide-open-gap that needed filled, our Church would be in a much worse position than it already is.]  The purpose was to call men to be men, to light a fire in their souls to live VIRTUOUS lives!  To step up and LEAD!  To FIGHT and DEFEND the Church, her people (women and children especially) and their own spirituality!  Christ didn’t ask the apostles to sit around and wait for people to ask them what they believed.  He commissioned them to action – “Come and Follow Me” – “Be fishers of men”.

The talk was well received and I think that it inspired these men to go forth and live out a virtuous, manly life.  TrueManhood!

Man up!