A Man, His Wife, a Snowmobile and Wide-open Spaces

March 15, 2010 by  
Filed under Blog

100_0056I’m a lucky man.  I had the opportunity to get away this weekend with my wife.  We got away for a half day on Friday, stayed overnight and had a whole day together on Saturday.  With children, full-time jobs, a full-time ministry and life, we rarely get a full weekend together.  A big thanks goes out to my brother, a friend of ours and to my in-laws for their help in watching the kids while we were gone.

The overnight date was perfect, just what we needed.  A time with my best friend, a time of relaxation and rejuvenation, a time for some excitement and adventure.  On Friday, we traveled to a small mountain town about 2.5 hrs away.  When we arrived in town, the shop was ready for us.  We signed in, grabbed a helmet for each of us, then traveled about 3 miles outside of town to start our back country snowmobile trip.  We jumped on a touring sled and hit the trail.  We couldn’t have asked for a better day – the sky was blue, the sun was out, the snow was pristine.  It’s days like that when you really enjoy God’s creation… it was as if that day, God had created it all for us specifically.  We toured around for a few hours, enjoying the scenery, the cool wind and each other’s company.  The trip was incredible.

That night, we relaxed in a meager hotel room, enjoying each other’s company, the fact that we didn’t have to put any children to bed and the realization that there was no work in sight!  The next morning, we got up early to hit the slopes, enjoying a day of skiing at a favorite ski resort.  Again, God blessed us with an incredible day of blue skies, warm temps and time together.Dave Skiing

What’s my point in telling you all about my wonderful overnight weekend getaway?  My point is simple: take time to rejuvenate yourself.  Find something – it doesn’t have to be snowmobiling and skiing – but find something that gives you life and make time for it in your life.  As a man who is a glutton for a busy life, I can attest to the facts of life and what a busy, stress-filled life can do to a man.  If you don’t have an outlet for your stress, your worries and your cares, they’ll catch up with you.  If you don’t have a source of energy to fill you up, you’ll continually give of yourself until you run dry.  For me, it was 1. time with my wife, alone without our children 2. time away from my computer, work and projects and 3. an opportunity to do an activity (2, in this case) that was life-giving!  After this weekend, I’m ready to tackle my life and everything that life throws my way.

Whatever it is that you need in your life, be it a stress-reliever, a life-giving “fill up” or an outlet of any kind, make special time to make it happen.  It will do you, and the others you are entrusted with, a great deal of good.

Man up!

"Take Time to Be a Dad Today"

June 16, 2009 by  
Filed under Blog

National Fatherhood Initiative banner

Today, I was running at the gym and saw a commercial on ESPN for the National Fatherhood Initiative.  I was really impressed, especially to see it on ESPN – a channel dedicated to sports and encouraging men to sit and watch them every hour of the day (boooo).  I came home and searched for it, finding the website and some commercial clips.  Check out the main National Fatherhood Initiative site.  To see the commercials, click Public Service Announcements.  (Note: they’ve gotta be great, considering that the voice overs are from Darth Vadar’s voice – James Earl Jones and from Magnum P.I. – Tom Selleck.)  They’ve got a great slogan: “Take Time to Be a Dad Today”.  Sometimes, that’s all it takes – time.

Here are two of them:



Man up!

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