All or None

March 27, 2009 by  
Filed under Faith

Christ requires that we are all or none.  There’s no middle ground when you are a follower of Christ – a Christian.  I recently heard it put like this… if life was a game of Texas Hold’em, Christ would ask us to go “all in” – that’s the only bet allowed.  Why is it so hard for some people to “go all in”?  Why is it so hard to let go of control and simply let God?  I’ve been blessed, in regards to this situation, to have a trusting disposition.  I rely fully on and I know, wholeheartedly, that He will provide all that I need and more.

Trust is a huge piece that goes into following Christ.  And trust, although seemingly insignificant at times, plays a vital role in pushing all our chips into the center of the table.  The Catechism tells us that Adam, the first man, lost trust in God his creator, thus, the first sin.  What sort of trust level do you have in God your creator?

I know that some things are uncertain and some things are scary, but relying on God to get you through them is a vital part in following Him.  We’re given amazing examples in Scripture of men who trusted – namely, Abraham.  His level of trust, obedience and faith is incredible.  Read his story in the Scripture and you’ll see what I mean.  When it comes down to it, he chose trust over everything else and God rewarded him for it.

Man up!

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