“Blood Money” – The Evils of Abortion

October 25, 2010 by  
Filed under Blog, Faith, Fatherhood, For Women, pornography, Virtue

Blood Money Film thumbI’ve posted about “Blood Money” before.  “Blood Money” is a documentary film exploiting and exposing Planned Parenthood and the entire abortion industry.  This film is powerful and I highly encourage everyone to watch it.  The trailer is below and hopefully will help encourage you to not only watch the film, but also to do something about ending abortion.  I watched the film tonight with my wife and about one hundred other people from the local area.  The film is suitable for children of an appropriate age – the film does not use gruesome or graphic photos of aborted babies, but does graphically speak about abortions and the reality of what happens behind the murder-mill doors.

The pro-life fight only has two sides: one side FOR LIFE, the other side AGAINST LIFE.  There is no in-between.  Where do you stand on this issue?  “For I wish that you were either hot or cold, but because you are lukewarm, I will spit you out of my mouth.” (Rev. 3:15b-16.)

Men – abortion is not a “women-only” issue, it is a real issue for everyone to get involved with.  We as leaders must stand up for the injustice that abortion does to women and without question, against the unborn child (a human being) that is living inside its mother’s womb.

Watch the trailer, if you can’t view it, click HERE.

TrueMan up!

Outraged, and Rightly So

July 16, 2010 by  
Filed under Blog, Faith, Virtue

People in Helena, Montana (as well as all around the country) are outraged at a proposed health and sex-edchildren in classroom curriculum that the district wants to implement into the public school system.  The curriculum is a Kindergarten-12th Grade program, teaching children various information on both health and sexuality.  The outrage comes, most specifically, from the topics on sex, sexual orientation, sex positions, intercourse and so on.  (Do a Google search of the topic and you will get plenty of articles, video, opinions and information.)  Here’s a brief 0:45 second video depicting what the children will learn at various ages along the way.

If you can’t view the video, click HERE.

The outrage that I have is against the logic of the school board, superintendent and the, so-called, professionals that wrote this curriculum over the past two years.  They believe that you need to teach kids about sex so that they can make more informed decisions about it – yes, that includes 5-year old kindergarteners.  What faulty logic!  This is similar  to the faulty argument (typically about third-world countries in Africa) that HIV-AIDS will decrease with the distribution of condoms.  Or the faulty argument that abortions will decrease with more-effective (oxymoron) birth control.  One way to prevent adolescent sexual behavior (and to get rid of HIV and abortion, and so on) is not to mask it, or try to skirt the issue.  The truth is that abstinence must be taught, as opposed to shunned.  Just because someone hasn’t had sex before marriage doesn’t mean that they’re any less human than anyone who has.  The truth of sexuality must be taught, embraced, lived and then we’ll start to see the changes. 

sex_ed3In one report I saw, the reporter mentioned that high schoolers will view and discuss “erotic art”.  WHAT?!  They’re going to give children pornography and water it down by calling it art.  Absolutely disgusting.  They have no idea how detrimental this curriculum will be if implemented.  And why do 10-year olds need to know about sexual positions?

The proper logic is to teach children about the sanctity of human sexuality and to do it in the home.  This means that the education is up to the parents, to not only teach verbally, but to live out, through chastity, the proper, intended and ordered gift of the marital act.  Sex-ed can’t be about depravity, about making sex ‘dirty’ or about preventing adolescents from knowing about sex… but too much info will destroy their innocence and distort their understanding.  Sex-ed in the model proposed by the Helena School District lacks truth and will only continue to distort the proper orientation of sex in the world.  Sex is reserved for a married man and his wife; any other definition of human sexuality is disordered.

I’ve heard other stories about kindergarten sex-ed programs in public schools teaching about homosexual sex, but never in this much detail.  It’s quite disturbing and unnerving.  If you live in Helena, please speak up and do something about this.  If you don’t, but still care to see changes for good take place, check out the local curriculum in your neighborhood’s public schools – you might be surprised what you find.

TrueMan up!

GE Knows What’s Really Going On

May 13, 2010 by  
Filed under Blog

4D ultrasoundAlthough the technology of a 4-Dimensional Ultrasound isn’t brand new, it’s relatively cutting-edge.  I’ve seen a 4D ultrasound of my own children, it’s incredible.  You can see facial features and expressions, you can make out every movement  and can see the chest expanding as the lungs take in oxygen from the mother.  In the discussion of embryo, zygote, fetus, blob, tissue mass, etc. this technology should end the discussion as to what’s in a woman’s womb.  It’s a human being.

It’s plain to see that even a secular company like General Electric knows that a baby inside its mother’s womb is a living, breathing, moving, (did I mention living?) human being… and still, the laws in America allow for the murder of that child.  It’s ridiculous to think that we have technology like this (as if common sense wasn’t enough) but still allow someone the ‘choice’ to murder their own child.  Absolutely ridiculous.

If you can’t view the video, click HERE.

Men, sometimes abortion is portrayed as a woman’s-only issue.  Not true.  As always, we are called to provide and protect, which must start with the defense of the defenseless.  The unborn need men to step up and fight for their rights, their well-being and their life.  If you need ideas of how you can help, please email us directly at Info@TrueManhood.com.

TrueMan up!

Unnerving Situations in D.C. and All Over

March 17, 2010 by  
Filed under Blog

white-houseI’m overwhelmed by what’s taking place in our country.  The decision by our nation to elect Barack Hussein Obama as president is proving disastrous.  What’s a TrueMan to do about all of the mess being made in Washington?  I’m at a loss.

Anti-American ObamaI would really appreciate your comments and questions on this post because I think that a healthy dialogue among men who see what’s happening (whether it be with the health(death)care bills, socialist ideals, deceitful politicians hiding behind the title “Catholic” or other) would be good.  It would help me, I know that for certain.  But what’s a TrueMan to do when he sees his government wielding unhealthy amounts of power and influence?  [It’s not new, but it’s worse than it’s ever been – my humble opinion.]  Do we grab our guns and start a revolt?  Do we stand by and watch socialist politicians ruin America?  Do we do something else? I don’t know that there’s any good answers right now.  Obviously, one thing we should be doing is praying for the conversion of Obama’s soul, as well as his elected officials, we should be praying for the end to abortion and we should be praying for a quick and just fix to government run healthcare.

Please comment.

Man up!

Abortion Funding Showdown

March 13, 2010 by  
Filed under Blog, Faith, Virtue

I recently received this letter from Supreme Knight, Carl Anderson.  Brother Anderson is the head of the Knights of Columbus based out of New Haven, CT.  We have a chance to do something, to stand up for a social (in)justice and to push the truth.  If this bill goes through, it will be the most devastating assault on pro-life since Roe v. Wade in 1973.  Here is what Brother Anderson wrote last week:

Carl AndersonThe debate on health care legislation has now reached its final and most critical stage, with final votes expected in Congress within the next two weeks.  The legislation is being fast-tracked through Congress using a rare parliamentary maneuver known as “reconciliation.”  This procedure will push the bill through Congress over the objections of a bipartisan group of lawmakers in the House of Representatives that wants to remove abortion funding from the bill.

Very soon the House will be asked vote on a Senate bill containing provisions that would overturn the thirty-year federal policy against tax-dollar funding of abortion. If the Senate bill is approved by the House, it goes immediately to the President’s desk and will be enacted into law. A second “reconciliation” bill will then be voted on by both houses to make changes to the new law. These changes will not amend the abortion mandates enacted through the Senate bill.

The American Catholic bishops oppose the Senate bill, calling it “deficient” because it contains multiple pro-abortion provisions and federal subsidies for abortion. It allows for federal dollars to flow to abortion providers in community health centers; it allows for federal subsidies for overall health plans that cover abortion. Lastly, it provides no conscience protection for those who refuse to participate in abortion.  A bipartisan group of lawmakers, including brother Knight Congressman Bart Stupak (D-MI), is working to ensure that health care legislation contains language that would ban abortion funding. They need the support of brother Knights from across the United States.

I urge you to encourage every Knight in your state to contact their representatives in Congress. Ask them to go to the Knights of Columbus homepage at www.kofc.org for instructions on contacting Congress.  Your immediate action is critical. If the Senate bill becomes law, it will be the largest expansion of abortion in our country since Roe v. Wade.

Carl A. Anderson

Supreme Knight

Blood Money Film Trailer – Please Visit The Site

November 24, 2009 by  
Filed under Blog

A new independent film on the evils of abortion is set to release soon.  “Blood Money” sets out to expose the corruption of Blood Money Film Planned Parenthood.  In order for the producers to get it into the theaters they need to show that millions of interested people have visited their website. You need only visit the website; there is no need to sign-up as a supporter unless you are compelled to do so.   The second link is the trailer for the movie.   Please help spread the word about this film.

Blood Money Film Website – CLICK HERE PLEASE.

Man, This Woman Has Guts!

October 14, 2009 by  
Filed under Blog

Check this video out… this woman has guts!  To go onto a show like “The View” (all openly supportive of Obama and Abortion) and speak the truth.  Good for her.


Man up!

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