Evangelization Linebacker Follow-Up…

April 18, 2009 by  
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Yesterday I posted a hilarious video, the “Evangelization Linebacker”; check out the post so you know what I’m referencing today.  So, for some folks, in your face evangelization-tactics work.  For most, it pushes others away.  Therefore, you can’t be “blowin’ people up” and expecting them to “come with you” on the journey.  It’s imperative that you create a relationship with the other person and allow them time to gain trust in you.  Once trust is gained, respect usually falls in place and then you gain moral authority with them; moral authority allows you to speak the Truth to open and willing ears.  If you don’t have trust, respect or authority, you’ll be fighting an uphill battle.  [Always remember, respect is received ONLY AFTER respect has been given.]

Gaining the trust comes from meeting people where they are.  If it’s young people, you have to get in their lives and meet them in their element.  For me, with the cadets, I spend as much time with them doing fun, social stuff as possible so they can see that I’m normal and easy to talk to.  Once they come to fun stuff, they’re more likely to join us for religious education stuff and then to start joining us for Mass regularly.  Once that happens, they are willing and capable of listening to the Truth of Jesus.  We can’t expect people to immediately change their ways and “get it”.  It takes time, and usually, some pushing, challenging and proding.

Most of the time, it’s scary for a person to step out and evangelize, but the Linebacker’s got it right… we’ve got to share our faith.  You need to do it the specific/unique way God created you to do it.  And always, without fail, you must back up your words with your actions.  I’ve written about this a lot, but it requires LOVE and LOVE is a verb.  Go and live Love!

Something, besides fear, that holds people back is their lack of knowledge and/or readiness.  Lots of people think that they aren’t ready because they don’t have enough knowledge, experience or time as a Christ-follower.  You’ve got to start somewhere, so today’s the day.  Go out and, even in little ways, be an example of Christ to the world.

Wanna know more?  Email me at proveritasspeakers@gmail.com.

Man up!

Evangelism Linebacker

April 17, 2009 by  
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Maybe tomorrow I’ll blog about a few ways that you can evangelize without “blowin’ people up!”.  But today, check this out…


Man up!

The People Only Make Up The Church…

April 16, 2009 by  
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The people only make up the Church, they don’t make it.  Truth makes the Church.  I have two examples in two days of people missing the boat on what “the Church” is all about.  First example: I just watched a video of a pastor who spoke complete blasphemy about what the Church does.  He said something like “the church is one of the biggest hindrances to conversion.”  Obviously, this pastor is from a church that is wishy-washy and not centered in truth.  (It appeared, from the video to be an amphi-theatre style mega-church where laser lights and smoke machines play the role of sacramentals.)  His church, most likely, is centered on “whatever feels good” and “whatever it takes to “save” someone”.  It’s sad, really.  He’s missing the boat. 

He told this story about a pastor who was fear-mongoring people into not having sex.  The young lady that he took with him (a young, single mother in an extra-marital affair) wasn’t ready to hear that message, so this pastor was essentially blaming the Church for this poorly-delivered message, that most likely was “off” when it comes to sound doctrine.  He’s aligning everything that one or more individuals may do with the Church as a whole and totally missing the point.  See, Christ set up the Church to spread the Love of the Father, the Truth.  He set it up to bring people to the Father, not to push them away from it.  We grow closer to God through the Church.

Second example: yesterday, I was talking with a woman who said to me “I was raised Catholic, but I don’t go anymore.  Is that bad?, it’s bad, isn’t it?  I don’t like going because of all the hypocrisy… I’d see people there on Sunday and then they’d be talking bad about people the rest of the week.”  This lady went on and on about it being “bad” that she doesn’t go any more.  Then, she said to me “I used to like Fr. S0-and-So because his sermons were good.  Once he left, I haven’t been back.  Is that bad?”  I said to her, the people only make up the Church, they don’t make it.  If the people inside the Church are bad, it doesn’t mean that the Church is bad.  You should go, give it a try again.  It was very obvious to me that this lady doesn’t know what the Eucharist is.

It’s frustrating when people make condemning judgments (especially when they are made out of ignorance) like this that really affect the lives of others.  In the first case, the pastor is going to have to answer for his blasphemy and how he led many people astray.  The lady is going to have to answer for leading her kids astray, as well as herself.  If you are reading this and understand what I’m saying, you realize that it’s a big responsibility to be a servant of the Lord.  What are you saying or doing that may lead others closer to Christ?  What are you saying or doing that make lead others away from Christ?

Man up!

Latest BK Commercial

April 15, 2009 by  
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I can’t believe this commercial.  Burger King is trying to sell food because it contains a Sponge Bob Square Pants image… they’ve taken distasteful to a whole new level.  Or should I say dis-tasteless? – (I’m not a fan of BK’s food regardless of this commercial.)  Watch it and see what you think.


The thing that gets me is this… with all the “booty” and sexual references throughout the video, the commercial is supposed to be selling KID’S MEALS!  Can you believe this mess?


Man up!

Not-a-Catholic (Dame) University

April 14, 2009 by  
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Although I have some cousins that went to Notre Dame and frequently watch Irish football on NBC, I don’t have any direct ties to the school.  I’ve been seeing plenty of traffic in emails, on Facebook and through the news about ND’s choice to have Obama visit and present the commencement speech in May.  Lots of stink has been made about ND being a “Catholic” institution and how appalled people are at their decision(s).  I heard it best from a fellow Catholic on Facebook: “Why is everyone getting upset now, after years of anti-Catholic behavior at Notre Dame?  They haven’t been Catholic for a long time.”  Just putting the title “Catholic” on something doesn’t make it, or any individual, actually Catholic.  Being Catholic means that you profess, uphold and defend the True Teachings of the Church.  [Ironically, their mascot appears to be “fighting”, but they haven’t fought to uphold Catholicism for years.  I feel bad for actual Catholics that go there that have to deal with this.]

I came across this letter that backs me up on this… Thanks Bishop…

Reverend and dear Father Jenkins,

Permit me to add my name as well to the long list of Bishops of the Catholic Church who are utterly appalled at your dedication to immorality and wrong-doing represented by your support for the obscenity called “The Vagina Monologues” and your absolute indifference to the murderous abortion program and beliefs of this President of the United States.

The fact that you have some sort of past connection with the State of Nebraska makes it all the more painful that the Catholic people here have to see your betrayal of the moral teachings of the Catholic Church.

I can assure you of my prayers for your conversion, and for the conversion of your formerly Catholic University. I am,
Sincerely yours in Christ Jesus,

The Most Reverend Fabian W. Bruskewitz
Bishop of Lincoln

Man up!

Pontius Pilate, What You Did Was NOT Manly

April 14, 2009 by  
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I thought several times throughout Holy Week, as well as when I watched “The Passion of the Christ” on Friday night, that Pontius Pilate (pronounced pon-chus pi-lot) was not manly in his decisions to condemn Jesus to death.  He tried, yes, at first, to tell the people that Jesus had done nothing wrong.  Where he went wrong was when he worried about what sort of uprising the Jewish high priests would start and what the people would do.  He let self-preservation win out over justice. 

He’s infamously remembered by Catholics in our Creed (our profession of faith) “…He (Jesus) suffered under Pontius Pilate…“.  This is because Pilate had the power to prevent Christ’s horrible torture, scourging, carrying of His cross and His death, but failed to act; all out of fear.  He was a coward.  Even the movie “The Passion of the Christ” (picture above from a scene with Pilate and Jesus) shows Pilate’s wife as a hero and a servant, with compassion and deep sorrow while Pilate simply looks on, worried about himself.  Pilate leaves us with a good example of what not to do. 

Christ tells us that we’ll be persecuted because of Him, because we follow Him and because we love Him.  We should be ready and prepared to persevere.  We prepare for this by training (prayer and fasting, mostly).  When it comes down to it, who will you side with?  Will you take the easy way out and deny Christ or will you stand firm in your beliefs, in your faith and in HIS love and witness for Jesus?  Only time will tell. 

Again, society tells men that we must look out for ourselves and self-preservation.  Christ, the Church and TrueManhood.com say something different.  We all say “defend Christ, defend Mother Church, defend Truth” – God will provide for us and will raise us up on the last day.  A True Man does this.  A man like Pontius Pilate doesn’t.  What kind of man are you?

Man up!

Business Owner

April 9, 2009 by  
Filed under Blog

I just came from the tax guy this morning and received great news – a refund!  (I can’t believe I waited this long!)  I wasn’t sure this year because things changed for us in several ways and I went from having part-time businesses to being fully self-employed.  I highly recommend that you (everyone) becomes a business owner – at least a part-time home-based business.  The business can be anything you want (I recommend something that you are passionate about), and the distinction of business vs. hobby is simple.  You ask the question: “Am I in the pursuit of profit?” and if so, whatever you are doing is a business.  The IRS doesn’t care what you are doing to be in the pursuit of profit, they simply put the laws out there and if someone chooses to take advantage of it, great.

Here are the reasons why you want to own a business: tax deductions!  It’s all about the tax deductions.  Not to mention that you can create your own schedule, you are solely responsible for the success/failure of the business and you don’t have to work for the man.  Why tax deductions are important: tax deductions decrease the amount of income that you are taxed on.  So, if you are an employee, you are taxed first and then left with whatever you are left with to pay your bills and have fun BUT if you are a business owner, you pay your expenses first, then are taxed on the smaller amount and then have more left over to have fun with!  (Or, if you are prudent and responsible, more to invest, save, and plan with.)

As I was sitting across from Ed today, I realized that a great number of people who belly-ache about taxes and money and the “rich people getting richer” and so on, don’t take advantage of the tax laws.  The rich own businesses.  The tax laws date back long ago, when land and possessions determined a person’s wealth.  The government wanted to benefit those who were involved in commerce, so the tax law is written in a way that does so.  You can reap the benefits of owning your own business and you can start today, with no money out of pocket.  Do it today for yourself, for your family and for your future.  Wanna know how?  Shoot me an email.  proveritasspeakers@gmail.com.

Man up!

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