7 Days of Manly Superbowl Stuff – Day 5

January 29, 2009 by  
Filed under Blog

Be a responsible man.  Take responsibility for your actions.  Sometimes, men (and women too, but men definitely take the cake in this category) like to blame other people for their mistakes, poor choices and general bad judgment.  This is not good.  This is not something you want to adopt as a characteristic to live  by.  Taking ownership and being responsible for what you say and do is a key to living a life of a True Man.  Your witness, success, happiness and future will be much brighter if you “man up” and “bite the bullet” when you do something less than your best.

How is he going to relate this to football?  Easy.  Imagine that you’re watching a game on Sunday.  How often (I’d say just about every time) do we see a player throw his hands up in unbridled disagreement to the referee’s call of a penalty? 

Cardinals Questioning Calls

Why can’t they just admit that the face-masking call is legitimate and that the holding penalty occurred and that the pass interference wasn’t a figment of any body’s imagination?

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